This webpage is dedicated to cater the requirement needed for Computer in Science (KOS 1110). This subject is among the required courses in the Kulliyyah of Science, IIUM. Thus, I do hope that this page will benefit me and others. Hereby, I have put my assignments done during studying this subject.
AssignmentsAside from Computer in Science, this is also a chance for me to introduce to others about the course I'm taking here at IIUM. For your information, I'm taking Degree of Mathematical Science in IIUM for four years starting from the end of 2005. Hopefully, this webpage will give a clear picture about Mathematical Science, Kulliyyah of Science, and the University in general.
Mathematics is not a difficult subject, as most of us would think. It is rather two of a penny from dozens of subjects in the world. Hence, I tried to enlight people about the Islamic Mathematicians who have changed the world, not only during their era, but also influenced the future through the arts of calculating.
Finally, I do hope this would be the key to the understanding of how Islam and Science can possibly be integrated, mainly in Mathematics. Wassalam...
Aim for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars